Dominik Laudenbach

Dominik Laudenbach will attain his Bachelor's degree this summer at the International School of Management. After several internships, he discovered his interest for strategic marketing and management. Upon finishing his Bachelor of Arts degree in Frankfurt/Main, he is looking forward to continue his studies with a Master's degree at one of Germany's leading economic universities.

 His Bachelor's Thesis deals with the price perception of consumers. Numerous existing studies deal with differing prices and price policies, his thesis will however concern the specific aspect of unit pricing. In order to obtain information about how price tag units influence the consumer perception on the quality, price level and purchasing intention of a product.

Sawtooth's Conjoint Analysis Software is the tool to conduct his survey, which will provide the basis for the thesis. The study consists of two identical surveys, with exactly the same attributes. The price attribute, however, will differ in the unit in which it is presented to the participant. If both surveys yield similar part-worth utilities, it can be assumed that the unit price plays an insignificant role. A large discrepancy on the other hand will lead to the opposite conclusion. Factoring in additional variables will provide interesting information on this topic.

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