Tomas Rumelaitis

Tomas Rumelaitis is 35 years old student at ISM University of Management and Economics, Vilnius, Lithuania. He is currently completing Master‘s thesis in Management for Executives Programme. Tomas has spent 10 years working in FMCG industry. He holds a Master‘s degree at Vytautas Magnus University, Kaunas, Lithuania.

Tomas is now writing master‘s thesis about FMCG category decommoditization (differentiation) using influencer's marketing. The aim of the work is to identify the ways how to decommodotize FMCG category in Lithuania by selecting most influential (highest utility) attributes and to identify which profile of influencers will be mostly suitable to advocate for differentiated brands.

The problem that he is going to address via means of Conjoint analysis is how to decommodotize a specific category (egg category) in Lithuania by identifying most influential (highest utility) attributes that would prove that „an egg is not just an egg“. In addition, he is going to identify profile of influencers who will be mostly suitable to advocate for differentiated brands.

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