Christopher Maasz

Christopher Maasz is a master student at the department of marketing and retailing at the Philipps-University of Marburg. Prior to his current studies, he obtained his bachelor degree at the department of logistics and focused in his bachelor thesis on how to arrange a logistics system underlying a multi-channel strategy.

Christopher is now writing his master thesis about how to design verbal and non-verbal elements of sustainable packages effectively so that the customer’s buying intention rises. Furthermore, he wants to look closer at the environmental awareness of the subjects and how this awareness affects the perception of the packages and the decision-making in the choice sets. Therefore, a Choice-Based Conjoint-Analysis shall emphasize the effect and the importance of the different verbal and non-verbal attributes for the customer. His main goal of the study is to give recommended actions for food companies on how to design sustainable packages most efficiently to raise customer’s awareness and purchase intention. Moreover, he wants to highlight and separate different target groups to raise the understanding that ever company needs to design sustainable packages particularly for their customer group depending on their environmental awareness.

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