Dominic Kauderer

Dominic is a bachelor student in economics with specializitation in finance and insurance at the Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperate State University (Duale Hochschule Baden Württemberg) in Karlsruhe, Germany. In his bachelor thesis, Dominic researches the benefit-optimised design of self-service technologies in the german insurance market.

In light of Vargo and Lusch’s service-dominant logic, consumer interaction and customer-sided value creation took a central role in service marketing. Dominic's study aims to show how self-service offerings can create value on both the demand and supply side. In this context, choice-based-conjoint analysis (CBC) is used to examine how self-service technologies should be designed to make them as attractive as possible for potential users. Potential attributes to be examined (amongst others) are the channel (app-based, web-based), the verification procedure or the available functions.

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