Anastasiia Mirow

Anastasiia Mirow is a PhD Student at the Clausthal University of Technology. She has two Master degrees, from the Leibniz University of Hannover and from the Donetsk National University in her home country of Ukraine. 

Her PhD research focuses on the Automotive Industry, namely on the electric vehicles. While the technology of and infrastructre for the electric vehicles develops drastically in these past few years, there are still some uncertainties of the overall acceptance of the electric vehicles which is reflected in the low market shares in the most European countries. During her PhD Anastasiia plans to conduct two extensive studies on the European consumers' preferences and willingness to pay for electric vehicles as well as determining under what conditions the consumers switch from the vehicles with internal combustion engines to the battery electric vehicles. Consumers' attitudes as well the political environment in the European Union and the growing competition on the market are going to be incorporated into the analysis. Understanding of the consumers' needs and their price sensitivity will allow to develop the customer-oriented offer in terms of the car attributes and ist price. Additionally, the pricing can be optimized in accordance to the current and forecasted battery costs.

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