
Zachary Anderson
Last updated: 12 Apr 2021
Written for: Lighthouse Studio 9.3



Uses jQuery UI's Sortable tool to allow a list of items to be categorized in ranked buckets.


  • The list of rows must be set to the items to categorize. Rows must be numeric with require response disabled.
  • The list of columns must be set to the categories.


  • The label for the unsorted category can be changed on line 64 of the footer.
  • Whether rank numbers should be displayed on categorized items can be changed on line 65 of the footer.
  • Items that must be categorized can be defined on line 55 of the footer. This code will require that the first two items be categorized: 'requiredItems': [1, 2]
  • Items that cannot be categorized with other items can be defined on line 56 of the footer. This code will require that the third item be exclusive: 'exclusiveItems': [3]
  • The minimum and maximum items allowed in each category can be defined on lines 57-59 of the footer. By default, categories permit any number of items. Example:
    'categoriesMinAndMax': {
        1: [1, 1], // first category must have exactly 1 item
        2: [3, 9999] // second category must have at least 3 items