Lighthouse Studio

Survey Settings (Advanced Tab)

Additional Settings


Save Respondent Info

This section allows you to select whether the respondent's I.P. address or browser information should be stored in the respondent data record. The Save respondent time per page option allows you to store the time (in seconds) respondents spend on each page.  When you enable this, variables are stored into the database that store the time.  


Additional Settings


Require respondents to use modern web browsers: By default, Lighthouse Studio requires that all respondents taking the survey use a modern web browser (Internet Explorer 11 or later) with JavaScript enabled.  Respondents who use an unsupported web browser or who have JavaScript disabled will see an error message (specified in the Error Messages tab). If you want to allow these respondents to take the survey on an older web browser, you can uncheck this box.  However, please be aware that many features of the survey may not work properly without a supported browser.  If you uncheck this box, we urge you to test the survey well on older browsers to unsure proper functionality.  


Use Custom HTML DOCTYPE: The DOCTYPE declares the HTML version used on the web page.  Many web browsers will read this line and make a decision how to display the HTML.  The DOCTYPE declares that the HTML is following standards.  You can check the HTML of the page for errors by going to  Using a DOCTYPE can alter the way that the web page is displayed in some browsers.  Some of your custom HTML might not be formatted quite the same in some browsers with the DOCTYPE at the top as it is without it. You might consider adding a custom DOCTYPE to accommodate custom HTML that you might have.


Remove System Meta Tags from Header Section: Removes various Meta tags located inside of the <head></head> section.

Time Zone: Respondent time information will be recorded in the data file using this time zone. When appropriate, Daylight Savings Time will be taken into account.

Numeric Question Decimal Point Character: If you are including numeric questions in your survey and have specified that decimal answers are permitted for those questions, you need to specify the character to be reserved for the decimal point.  In the US, a period (default) is used.  Other countries may use a comma.  If a period is selected, only numbers and a single period are acceptable answers.  For example, the number "one thousand one and one half" must be specified as: "1001.5", not "1,001.5". If other characters are used, a warning message appears. If you specify that a comma or period is to be used as the decimal point character, both periods AND commas are acceptable as decimal points.  In other words, the number "one thousand one and one half" can be specified as: "1001.5" or "1001,5", but not "1,001.5", or "1.001,5".    (Note: the Data Reports program within the Admin Module truncates all decimal answers, treating them as integers, prior to computing frequencies, min, max, and means.)

Advanced Server Settings


Respondent Start Number: This setting allows you to specify the first Internal Respondent Number that will be used for this study.  For example if 500 is entered then the first respondent will be assigned 500 as their Internal Respondent Number.  The next respondent will be assigned 501 and so on.


Max Fields per Database Table: This setting specifies the maximum number of columns allowed in any of the database data tables.


Advanced Page Formatting

This dialog allows you to customize various style settings.  If left blank the default style settings will be used.


HTML <head> Tag


This area is for specifying custom HTML, CSS, or JavaScript that will be entered into the HTML <head> tag on each page of the survey.

Created with Help & Manual 8 and styled with Premium Pack Version 4 © by EC Software