Cookie Policy

This notice describes how Sawtooth Software, Inc. uses cookies and similar technology on the websites and mobile apps that display or link to this notice.


Like most online services, Sawtooth Software uses small data files, known as “cookies,” that are stored in a browser on a user’s computer or mobile device. Cookies can be useful as visitors navigate a website. For example, cookies ensure that user information is kept up to date as a user moves to other pages on a website and allow use of the website to be analyzed.

Sawtooth Software’s website and sub-domains (,, etc.) use various categories of cookies.

Some cookies are placed by third-party services that appear on the websites. Some cookies are temporary and are known as “session” cookies. For example, some session cookies last only until the user closes its browser. Other cookies remain on a user’s device until they’re deleted. These are known as “persistent” cookies. Sawtooth Software may use both session and persistent cookies.

The law allows the use of cookies if they are strictly necessary for the operation of the website. For all other types of cookies, user consent is required.

In addition to the websites listed above, user consent applies to the following Sawtooth Software sub-domains:,, and 

Although it’s possible to use Sawtooth Software’s websites and other services without cookies, disabling cookies can result in a loss of useful information and other capabilities and may negatively affect the performance of the website or other services.

This cookie policy was last updated on 2020-09-30.

Sawtooth Software may make changes to this cookie policy at any time. All changes will be posted online at Sawtooth Software will send notice of material changes by email to customers and to users who have created a user account at

Strictly Necessary Cookies

Cookie Provider Purpose More info
PHPSESSID Joomla This cookie is used to establish and maintain user session state across page requests.  
OptanonConsent, OptanonAlertBoxClosed OneTrust These cookies store the user’s cookie consent state for the current domain.  
_ok, _okac, _okbk, _okck, _okdetect, _okgid, _okla, _oklv, hblid, olfsk, wcsid Olark These cookies are necessary to provide the live chat functionality on the website. The service is provided by Olark.  
AKA_MVT_BUTTONS, AKA_MVT_ID, PYPF PayPal These cookies are used by PayPal to recognize its customers and to store visitor credentials in an encrypted cookie in order to allow a user to stay logged in on reentry if the user has accepted the “stay logged in” button. Olark cookies
01AI This cookie is used by PayPal to gather anonymous technical information about the user’s browser, operating system, IP address, screen resolution, and navigation on the website.  
qa_key, qa_noticed, qa_session Sawtooth Software These cookies are used for authentication and session management in the Sawtooth User Forum.  
idsrv, idsrv.xsrf, idsrv.clients, idsrv.session Sawtooth Software These cookies facilitate single sign-on and access control for web applications and APIs  
_RequestVerificationToken Sawtooth Software This cookie is a single-use anti-forgery token to stop unauthorised posting of content to a website.  
SigninMessage.\* Sawtooth Software This cookie is used for recognition of the transfer method used at login.  
testcookie Sawtooth Software This cookie is used to test whether the user has support for cookies enabled.  
SA.SessionID, SA.CookiesC2, SA.CookiesC1, SA.SSO, SA.Cookies, SA.SSO.CheckSession, .AspNetCore.Antiforgery.<unique_id> Sawtooth Software These cookies are used to store information about the current user context in the current session.  
<userId>, ssi_analysis_session_id, ssi_analysis_mxd_license_level, ssi_analysis_previous_sign_in_date, ssi_analysis_requires_license_agreement Sawtooth Software These cookies are local storage variables for Sawtooth Software’s MaxDiffAnalyzer that track the current session and permissions associated with the current session.  
JSESSIONID Sawtooth Software This cookie is used to maintain anonymous user sessions for  
PHPSESSID, Chd_stat_data Sawtooth Software These cookies are used to maintain user session variables and store user/agent information such as browser version and screen resolution for Sawtooth Software’s customer service portal.  

Performance Cookies

Cookie Provider Purpose More info
_ga, _gid, _gat Google Analytics These cookies are set by Google Analytics to help Sawtooth understand how users are using its websites Google Analytics

Targeting Cookies

Cookie Provider Purpose More info
_fbp, fr Facebook These cookies are used by Facebook to deliver a series of advertisement products such as real-time bidding from third-party advertisers.  
1P_JAR, NID, CONSENT   These cookies are used by Google to collect website statistics, track conversion rates and customize ads on Google properties Google cookies