Discover is our modern, streamlined web-based app providing basic MaxDiff, conjoint analysis, general interviewing, and data analysis.
Lighthouse Studio is our industry-leading Windows desktop application for MaxDiff and conjoint analysis. It gives you full power and flexibility to author online and offline surveys, analyze data, and run market simulations.
Web-based application
Windows-installed application
Single-select (radio buttons, other specify)
Multi-select (checkboxes, other specify, none of the above)
Dropdown (single-select)
Grid with single and multi-select
Grid with numeric input
Advanced Grid (row or column based, mixed question types, open-ends, ranking, constant sum, etc.)
Open-end (fill in the blank, single and multi-line)
Constant sum
Semantic differential or Bipolar
Free Format (design your own)
Terminate (set status, redirect)
Text (display)
MaxDiff (best-worst item scaling)
CBC (Choice-Based Conjoint)
ACBC (Adaptive Choice-Based Conjoint)
ACA (Adaptive Conjoint Analysis)
CVA (Conjoint Value Analysis)
Number of items per exercise
up to 120
up to 2000
Hierarchical Bayes estimation in analysis
Item scores report (with confidence intervals and segmentation)
requires export to app
TURF analysis (an optimization search routine for finding optimal sets of items)
requires export to app
requires export to app
On-the-fly item ranking results (can be used in follow up questions, skip logic, etc.)
Anchored scaling (asking additional questions about whether items are important/not important or buy/no buy; otherwise the item scores are just relative scores )
Sparse (showing each item 1 time per respondent instead of the usual 2-3 times)
Relevant Items MaxDiff (showing a customized subset of items to each respondent, i.e. most relevant items to the respondent's job function, number of items can differ across respondents)
Express (randomly choosing a subset of the total items to show to each respondent across all their MaxDiff sets)
Bandit (choosing a subset of the total items to show each respondent across all their MaxDiff sets, where we adaptively oversample items based on previous respondents' preferences)
Import/export design file
Latent class segmentation
Number of attributes per exercise
up to 15
up to 250
Number of levels per attribute
up to 30
up to 250
None option
Alternative-specific designs
Partial-profile designs
Conditional display
Import/export custom design file
Utility/attribute importance report (confidence intervals, segmentation)
Simulator (confidence intervals, segmentation)
Hierarchical Bayes estimation in analysis
Interaction search tool
Multiple scenarios in simulator
Interpolation/extrapolation in simulator
Fixed tasks
Collaboration (multiple authors access to same survey)
Pass in data over URL (link from an external site and pass in data/variables to the survey)
Pass data out over URL (redirect and pass data from survey to an external site)
Skip logic (conditionally skip questions to go to a specified destination)
Pre-skip or display logic (optionally show/hide a question)
Quota control
Randomize pages
Randomize blocks of questions
Looping (loop through a set of questions for each item in a list)
Multiple questions per page
Multi-language (ability to put multiple languages into one survey)
Export/import survey text for translation
Custom CSS
Custom Javascript
Custom Perl
Custom JavaScript instead of Perl
Data generator (create random responses to test survey)
Duplicate questions, lists, skip logic, etc.
Import external data (match up external data with survey data, used in analysis to segment data etc.)
Alternate labels used in analysis/export
Dynamic/constructed lists (show only the items selected in a prior question, carry forward responses, etc.)
Display images (jpg, gif, png, svg)
Play video/audio from third-party streaming service
Password access to survey
Piping (displaying/using responses to previous questions)
Export survey to PDF
Question library
Randomize response options
Redirect links
Response validation (automatic)
Response validation (custom)
Use custom survey style template
Word import
Mobile friendly
Link to/from other surveys or websites
Restart a survey at a specific question
Free hosting on Sawtooth Software servers
Offline interviewing (CAPI)
Real-time reports, download, and data management
Edit individual data records
Export data to SPSS
Export data to Excel