Privacy Policy (Archived)

This version has been archived. View the current policy.

Date: December 29, 2021

Sawtooth Software, Inc. respects individual privacy and is committed to protecting the personal information it collects through this website and when providing services to its customers. Sawtooth Software works with two categories of information that may contain personal information: sales, marketing, support, and other information during its normal business operations (the “business data”) and information generated or collected by its customers when they use the software and other services Sawtooth Software provides (the “customer data”). This privacy notice describes how personal information is collected, handled, and stored by Sawtooth Software.

1. Software and services

Sawtooth Software provides advanced analytics software, educational offerings, and consulting services for businesses, higher education, and other organizations to help them understand what is important to their customers and other stakeholders and to predict what those customers and other stakeholders will buy or choose. Sawtooth Software’s websites and services are not intended to be used by children. Sawtooth Software does not knowingly collect personal information from children.

2. Business data

During its normal business operations, Sawtooth Software may collect business data from customers, potential customers, and other visitors. Sawtooth Software collects this data directly from website visitors when they provide it and automatically using cookies and other technologies as they navigate through its websites and services. This business data may include the following:

  • identity data, such as first name, last name, and title;
  • contact data, such as company name, physical address, email address and telephone numbers;
  • client relationship management data, such as username or other similar identifiers, password, preferences, feedback, and survey responses, payment details, data regarding the use of Sawtooth Software’s websites and services, and information used in providing support services; and
  • technical data, such as IP addresses, login history and other data, browser type and version, time zone and location, browser plugin types and versions, operating system and platform, and other technology on the devices used to access Sawtooth Software’s websites and services.

Sawtooth Software is the data controller with respect to the business data. It processes business data with an individual’s consent, in order to fulfill its contractual obligations, or in accordance with its legitimate business interests in marketing and improving its services, software, and websites. Personal information is collected and used for a specific purpose unless Sawtooth Software determines its use for a different reason is compatible. If personal information must be used for an unrelated purpose, Sawtooth Software shall notify the affected individuals and explain the legal basis that allows its use. If processing is based on consent, an individual may withdraw consent by contacting the Data Privacy team at

Sawtooth Software may disclose business data:

  • to its subsidiaries, contractors, service providers, and other third parties that support its business;
  • to fulfill the purposes for which the data was collected;
  • with your consent;
  • to enforce its terms of service and other legitimate business interests in improving its services, software, and websites;
  • to any successor to its interests in connection with a sale, restructuring, bankruptcy, dissolution, or other similar proceeding; or
  • as required by law.

3. Customer data

All customer data belongs to the customer who collected or generated it. As the data controller, each customer determines what customer data to collect, how it is collected, the purposes of collection, and any retention periods. Because Sawtooth Software offers both on-premises and cloud-based software, each customer also determines whether Sawtooth Software processes customer data and the nature of that processing.

To the extent Sawtooth Software processes any customer data, it does so as data processor on behalf of a customer. Sawtooth Software processes all customer data in accordance with its contractual obligations to the customer, with this privacy policy, and with industry-standard security practices to protect the integrity, availability, and confidentiality of that data. Survey respondents should refer to the customer’s own privacy statement to learn how the customer collects and processes personal information that may be included in customer data. If an individual requests information from Sawtooth Software about personal information contained in the customer data, or attempts to exercise any other rights under applicable data privacy legislation, Sawtooth Software shall forward those requests to the relevant customer (if it can be determined) in accordance with its contractual obligations. If Sawtooth Software cannot determine which customer an individual’s request should be forwarded to, it shall notify that individual.

Sawtooth Software does not sell customer data or make it available to any third party except to fulfill its contractual obligations with the customer or as required by law.

4. Aggregated data

Sawtooth Software may collect, use, and share aggregated data, such as statistical or demographic data, for any purpose. Aggregated data may be derived from personal data but is not considered personal data by law because it has been aggregated and anonymized so that does not reveal the identity of any individual. If combining aggregated data with personal data directly or indirectly identifies any individual, that combined data is considered personal information and is subject to the terms of this privacy notice.

5. Data security

Sawtooth Software uses appropriate technical and organizational security measures to prevent the accidental loss, misuse, alteration, or unauthorized disclosure of personal information.

6. Data retention

Sawtooth Software will retain business data as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes for which it is collected or used and to comply with its legal, accounting, or reporting requirements.

To determine the appropriate retention period for business data, Sawtooth Software considers the amount, nature, and sensitivity of the personal information, the potential risk of harm from unauthorized use or disclosure of such personal information, the purposes for which it processes personal information and whether it can achieve those purposes through other means, and the applicable legal requirements.

Sawtooth Software does not determine retention periods for customer data. Requests to delete any customer data should be directed to the relevant customer.

7. Rights under data protection laws In some circumstances, individuals have rights relating to their personal information under the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (the “GDPR”) or other applicable data protection laws. Those rights may include:

  • access to personal information;
  • correction of inaccurate personal information;
  • erasure of personal information;
  • restriction of processing of personal information;
  • data portability;
  • objection to processing of personal information;
  • withdrawal of consent to processing of personal information; or
  • other rights provided by the relevant data protection law.

Individuals’ rights under the relevant data protection laws are subject to certain limits and Sawtooth Software may be unable to fully comply with each individual’s request. More information about an individual’s rights under the GDPR is available at

If a survey respondent wants to exercise any rights with respect to customer data, he or she should contact the relevant customer. If a survey respondent needs additional assistance, he or she may contact Sawtooth Software’s Support team.

If an individual wants to exercise any rights with respect to business data, they may contact Sawtooth Software’s Data Privacy team at

8. Changes to this privacy policy

This privacy policy was last updated on December 29, 2021. Sawtooth Software may make changes to this privacy policy at any time. All changes will be posted online at Sawtooth Software will send customers notice of material changes by email to the primary email address in the customer’s account.