Lighthouse Studio Context Diagram

Last Updated: 04 Dec 2015Hits: 8672
Lighthouse Studio Context Diagram

Here is a description of the users, roles and systems that Lighthouse Studio interacts with to create and field surveys, collect respondent information, accumulate it, and analyze it!

  1. Survey Authors
    1. Authors create surveys by using the Lighthouse Studio desktop application.
    2. The Lighthouse Studio desktop application's licenses are entered in the software, and validated by the Licensing Server over the web
    3. When a survey is completed or ready for testing outside of the local windows environment, the survey is uploaded to the Web Server.
    4. When the author desires to analyze respondent data, they accumulate the data from the survey either by downloading the respondent data from the Admin Module web interface and importing the file into Lighthouse Studio, or by using Lighthouse Studio to directly download and accumulate the data from the Admin Module
  2. Survey Administrators (usually the same as survey authors)
    1. Survey administrators are able to monitor the progress of the survey through the Admin Module web page, which is part of the Lighthouse Studio survey which is uploaded and executed by the Web Server.
    2. Survey administrators log in to the Admin Module using credentials set by Lighthouse Studio when the survey is created and uploaded to the Web Server.
    3. Survey administrators can either have:
      1. Read only access, which allows the read-only user to
        1. view respondent data
        2. view survey progress
        3. view saved reports
        4. create and save reports
      2. Read/Modify access to
        1. view respondent data
        2. edit respondent data
        3. view saved reports
        4. create and save reports
  3. Survey Respondents
    1. Respondents go to the survey in a web browser, and answer survey questions.
  4. Web server
    1. Lighthouse Studio uploads survey files and scripts to the web server so it can serve static files such as images, HTML and CSS files, as well as executing Perl CGI scripts.
    2. The web server renders the Survey pages for the respondents and sends these pages to the respondent's web browser.
    3. The web server receives respondent data submitted by a web browser, and stores this information in the Database
  5. Database Server
    1. The Database Server is used as the data storage engine for respondent data. As data is gathered by the survey web pages, it is entered in the database so that it can later be retrieved by the Lighthouse Studio desktop software.Lighthouse Studio Context Diagram