Adaptive Conjoint Analysis (ACA)

ACA Technical Paper (2007)

01 Sep 2007 - 8357 hits

Adaptive Conjoint Analysis (ACA) is software for conjoint (trade-off) analysis. The term "adaptive" refers to the fact that the computer-administered interview is customized for each respondent. Data ... Read More

The "Importance" Question in ACA: Can It Be Omitted? (2005)

04 Feb 2005 - 3376 hits

Although ACA has proven to be a useful and popular technique over two decades, many researchers have argued that the self-explicated importance question in the ACA "Priors" may be a weak link. The ... Read More

Perspectives on the Recent Debate over Conjoint Analysis and Modeling Preferences with ACA (2002)

14 Jun 2002 - 3236 hits

The author responds to recent criticism of conjoint methods and compares ACA with self-explicated methods. The author provides his perspective on using ACA, some shortcomings of the method, and ... Read More

History of ACA (2001)

18 May 2001 - 5191 hits

In this paper, Rich Johnson, Sawtooth Software's founder, recounts the history of Adaptive Conjoint Analysis (ACA). He traces its development and theoretical roots from the early trade-off matrices ... Read More

Calibrating Price in ACA: The ACA Price Effect and How to Manage It (2000)

09 Jun 2000 - 3865 hits

Even though ACA is one of the most popular conjoint analysis techniques, it has been shown often to understate the importance of price. This article by Peter Williams demonstrates a method of ... Read More

Staying Out of Trouble with ACA (1996)

15 Mar 1996 - 3172 hits

Though we've been told that ACA is remarkably easy to use, our users run into problems from time to time. 18 of the most common pitfalls are discussed. Most of the pitfalls listed focus on design and ... Read More

Multistage Conjoint Methods to Measure Price Sensitivity (1994)

24 Jun 1994 - 3303 hits

Some researchers have discovered that they can obtain better overall results by combining ACA with a second conjoint module. The author, Jon Pinnell of IntelliQuest, refers to this as "Multistage ... Read More

Accuracy of Utility Estimation in ACA (1987)

06 Apr 1987 - 3341 hits

Results from a Monte Carlo simulation are reported showing that ACA's estimation technique is unbiased. The accuracy of utility estimation under various questionnaire conditions (e.g. 2 attributes ... Read More