Menu Based Choice (MBC)

MBC (Menu-Based Choice) Documentation (2019)

01 Jun 2019 - 9057 hits

Increasingly, stated preference choice projects involve Menu-Based Choice scenarios (MBC) where respondents can select one to multiple options from a menu. This is not surprising, given the fact that ... Read More

Menu-Based Choice Modeling Using Traditional Tools (2010)

03 May 2010 - 5396 hits

The author discusses practical concerns in analyzing MBC studies. He highlights the value of using randomized designs for MBC questionnaires, as they allow for straightforward counting analysis. ... Read More

Task Order Effects in Menu-Based Choice (2010)

01 Apr 2010 - 3663 hits

This article discusses Menu-Based Choice (MBC), and how task position affects the results. Specifically, later tasks show greater price sensitivity than earlier tasks.