Design & Methodology Issues

What is the Difference Between MaxDiff and Conjoint Analysis?

22 Oct 2024 - 47931 hits

Discover the differences between Conjoint vs MaxDiff, two essential techniques in quantitative marketing research. Learn how Conjoint analysis and MaxDiff help predict consumer preferences, optimize ... Read More

Why do all my respondents’ utility scores change when I add or remove other respondents?

16 Feb 2023 - 1545 hits

With Hierarchical Bayes estimation, we don’t just look at an individual’s choices in isolation to come up with a utility model that fits those choices. We also estimate average utilities of the ... Read More

How do I ensure a specific level from an attribute is shown in every task?

05 Oct 2018 - 4942 hits

How do I ensure a specific level from an attribute is shown in every task?

Sample Size for Bandit MaxDiff Studies

11 Sep 2018 - 4295 hits

The following information was extracted from Appendix C of the following Sawtooth Software technical paper: Bandit MaxDiff: When to Use It and Why It Can Be a Better Choice than Standard MaxDiff, ... Read More

How to Use Time Statistics to Improve Your Results

10 Jan 2018 - 5745 hits

When evaluating my survey data, how can I use the time stamps to help me identify good and bad respondents?

Which Simulation Method Should I Use?

10 Aug 2017 - 5576 hits

I conducted an experimental CBC study and I would like to use the simulator. However, I do not feel very confident to test which of the methods would be the best in terms of real choice data for ... Read More

After ACBC v8.3, Do We Need CBC Anymore?

03 Oct 2014 - 7515 hits

With the release of SSI Web 8.3 and the updates to the Adaptive Choice-Based Conjoint module to exclude tasks like the BYO, Must-Haves, and Unacceptables, do we even need the CBC module?

Likert Scale Response Anchors

24 Jul 2014 - 78106 hits

Likert Scale Response Anchors

Dominated Pairs in ACA

26 Jun 2014 - 6939 hits

How can I avoid dominated paired questions in ACA surveys?

How do I interpret the None utility?

26 Jun 2014 - 9683 hits

How do I interpret the None utility from a conjoint study?

Determining the Optimum Number of Tasks and Sample Size in Conjoint Analysis

26 Sep 2013 - 9023 hits

How do I determine the optimum number of tasks and sample size in a conjoint or discrete choice exercise?

Should I use CCEA or Latent Class for clustering choice data?

26 Sep 2013 - 6941 hits

Which method performs better for clustering choice data, CCEA or Latent Class?

Best Practices for Calculating Importance Scores

23 Sep 2013 - 10066 hits

In reading a Sawtooth Software article, The Basics of Interpreting Conjoint Utilities, it said, “When summarizing attribute importances for groups, it is best to compute importances for respondents ... Read More

Analyzing Multi-Country Data

10 Apr 2013 - 6364 hits

We recently conducted a conjoint study in several countries. We want to present our results for the total sample and by country. Is it best to use a single analysis and include interactions or dummy ... Read More

ACA Paired Question Issue During Testing

10 Apr 2013 - 5534 hits

I'm working with ACA and am testing out the survey but I'm noticing that in my paired questions the bests are always juxtaposed against the worst. Is this right?

Respondents prefer higher prices to lower prices (utility reversal)

10 Apr 2013 - 5624 hits

I am conducting an analysis of a CBC data set that included pricing (or some other ordered, attribute). There seems to be a problem because the price utilities showed that the utility of a higher ... Read More