An Introduction to Sawtooth Software

Last Updated: 09 Aug 2017Hits: 5064
Please tell me a little more about Sawtooth Software and the products and services you provide?

Sawtooth Software provides tools that help you create, field, and analyze market research surveys. Your surveys can contain a variety of general interviewing question types as well as a number of discrete choice exercise types, such as Choice-Based Conjoint (CBC), Adaptive Choice Based-Conjoint (ACBC), and MaxDiff (Best/Worst Item Scaling).

A demo version of our flagship software, Lighthouse Studio, is available here:

It contains sample studies, help files, tutorials, and everything you need to know to use the software effectively. New surveys can be generated within minutes and uploaded to the web server of your choice (or to our load-balanced servers for free). Then, after fielding, data can be downloaded back into Lighthouse Studio for analysis. The software can calculate part-worth utilities, run Hierarchical Bayes, logit, and latent class estimations, and create flexible market simulations.

The price for the Lighthouse Studio software is based on the type of exercise you want to do in your surveys. If you want to do MaxDiff exercises, then you would buy a MaxDiff subscription; if you want to do CBC exercises, then you will need to purchase a CBC subscription. Pricing information can be found here:

Rather than buying specific individual component subscriptions, you can also choose to purchase a suite subscription which contains our most popular products and services. Suites come in different levels and sizes depending on your needs. With any of our subscriptions, you can produce as many surveys as you want with as many respondents as you want until your annual subscription expires!

Meanwhile, feel free to download Lighthouse Studio and start playing around with its capabilities. If you have questions, please don't hesitate to call us at +1 801 477 4700. We will be happy to discuss the software further or set up a 45-minute guided tour with your team.