Oğuz KÖSE is currently working as a research assistant specializing in transportation within Balıkesir University's Department of Civil Engineering in Balıkesir, Türkiye. He obtained his master's degree focusing on public transportation from the same institution. At present, Oğuz is a Ph.D. candidate, honing his expertise in transportation in the Department of Civil Engineering at Dokuz Eylül University in İzmir, Türkiye. His research focuses particularly on urban air mobility (UAM) and accessibility. This innovative mode of transportation is poised to play an important role in the future of commuting. Facilitating sustainability and accessibility-oriented planning for UAM and ensuring its compatibility with the existing transportation infrastructure is his research’s main goal. The primary mission of his research is to create a decision support mechanism that can harmonize sustainable urban mobility, urban accessibility, and innovative UAM applications.

As part of this research, Oğuz KÖSE plans to conduct a comprehensive preference survey that encourages participants to make choices based on alternative characteristics and hypothetical scenarios. To achieve this, he plans to use Sawtooth's Choice-Based Conjoint (CBC) analysis, a robust methodology for predicting utility functions and modelling individual choice behaviour among innovative transportation options. Thanks to this analysis, the goal is to model the approaches and preferences of users for a mode of transportation that does not currently exist and obtain insights that are likely to be important in the future alongside existing transportation modes. Additionally, Oğuz KÖSE expects to provide solutions to facilitate the integration of innovative modes into existing transportation systems with the highest cost-benefit ratio. Thus, the aim is to establish decision support mechanisms to optimize the use of national resources in the investments planned for existing and innovative transportation modes. It is expected that the results obtained will support not only local administrators and decision-makers within the study area but also those outside the study area in their decision-making processes regarding urban air mobility applications expected by many in the near future

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