Zeynel Baran Yıldırım is a PhD candidate in the department of civil engineering, transportation division program, at Dokuz Eylül University in İzmir, Turkiye. He has a keen interest in the sustainability of innovative transportation modes in intelligent transportation systems, particularly their integration with transportation systems.
The primary aim of his research is to ensure the sustainable planning of innovative modes of transportation, such as autonomous vehicles (AV) and urban air mobility (UAM), which will play a significant role in the future of transportation. These should be planned in accordance with the principles of sustainable urban mobility. The fundamental objective of the study is to develop a decision support mechanism that facilitates the integrated progress of sustainable urban mobility and innovative transportation modes, without hindering each other's contrasting trends in future transportation systems. As part of this effort, Zeynel Baran plans to conduct a stated preference survey that presents hypothetical scenarios and asks users to make choices based on the characteristics of alternatives. He intends to use Sawtooth's Choice-Based Conjoint (CBC) analysis to estimate utility functions for alternatives and model individual choice behavior among innovative transportation modes. Promoting the sustainable use of innovative transportation modes will contribute to the environment and energy by reducing exhaust emissions and fuel consumption while also enhancing the quality of urban life. Additionally, adapting innovative modes efficiently and with a high benefit-to-cost ratio to existing systems will reduce the high costs associated with relevant investments and contribute to the efficient use of national resources for some innovative system investments, which may include imports.
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