Interactive Conjoint Analysis Example Survey: Baseball Sample Study

<p>Conjoint Value Analysis Baseball game</p>

Deepen your understanding in conjoint analysis by interacting with our baseball conjoint analysis example survey!

Take the example survey

What is a conjoint analysis?

Conjoint analysis is a sophisticated marketing research method that attempts to quantify consumer preferences for the attributes of a product or service. It is very popular in determining product feature sets and product price.

Learn more about conjoint analysis

What to expect in the example conjoint analysis survey

Experience a conjoint exercise by going through a simple 9 question Choice-Based Conjoint (CBC) sample survey. In the example survey you will choose from sets of food options that you might find at common baseball park venues.

Following the survey portion, you will be presented with immediate feedback. You’ll see the example exercise results and interact with a what-if simulator. What-if simulators are commonly used to determine the share of preference (performance) of a product (concept) comprised of a set of attributes from the conjoint exercise.

In this example, you will:

  1. Experience real examples of conjoint analysis questions as a respondent
  2. Become familiar with what a conjoint exercise task looks like: concepts, attributes, and attribute levels.
  3. View real results from the example survey you took.
  4. Experiment with a what-if simulator, to build and test the performance of various combinations of the food attributes from the conjoint example questionnaire you took.

This conjoint analysis example is limited to:

  1. 9 choice-based questions/tasks
    1. The number of tasks in a real conjoint study depends on the exercise design and the expected number of complete respondents: typical surveys collect anywhere from 100 to a few thousand respondents.
  2. 6 concepts, 3 attributes, and 3-6 levels per attribute
    1. Real conjoint studies typically show 4-6 concepts and may have up to 12 attributes and several dozen levels.
  3. Counts-based analysis
    1. For this simple example we’ll use only the math you’ve learned since you were 5—counting. Real conjoint studies will use much more sophisticated algorithms to calculate scores and preferences of the attributes and levels being examined.

Ready to make your own conjoint analysis study?

If you’d like to get started with a real conjoint project then sign up for a free Discover account: our online conjoint analysis tool and survey platform.

Take the Conjoint Analysis Sample Survey