Expire records


When a respondent enters a survey, they are initially assigned an incomplete status. This status remains until they reach a survey ending configured as complete, over quota, or disqualified. If incomplete respondents have a unique ID, they can return to the survey multiple times and resume from where they left off until they finish or are expired.

Data from incomplete respondents is not included in analysis or data downloads. However, survey authors can mark these respondents as expired to access their data. Once expired, respondents are prevented from making further changes to their survey; they are shown the Survey closed/expired message.

Download incompletes report

The Incompletes report provides a list of all incomplete respondents, along with important record metadata and system variables. This data can help you identify which respondents should be finalized for analysis.

The report includes columns for:

  • Unique Id
  • Incomplete Record Id
  • Respondent Status (Incomplete)
  • Last Question Answered
  • Last Question Seen
  • Start Time
  • Last Modified Time
  • Elapsed Time

To download the report, click the Incompletes report button underneath the Expire incomplete records button in the Expire records widget.

Expiring records

After identifying which respondents to expire:

  1. Navigate to the data records tab.
  2. Click the Define records button in the Expire records widget.
  3. Enter the IDs of the incomplete respondent records to expire in the dialog, then press Expire button.
Expire Records location in the Discover UI
Expire Records Dialog

You can repeat this process as many times as you need to finalize additional records.

Keep in mind, once a record is expired, it cannot be undone. If you want to give a respondent access to the survey again, you will need to send them another link, which will not include any of their previous responses.