MaxDiff design settings


Creating an effective MaxDiff exercise design is crucial for the success of your MaxDiff study. An incorrect configuration could lead to insufficient or invalid data, making analysis impossible.

Fortunately, Discover includes a design recommender that generates a default design meeting all criteria for a valid MaxDiff exercise. Advanced users also have the option to override this and create a custom design.

You’ll find the design settings in the Advanced tab of a MaxDiff exercise.

The default exercise designer

When the Exercise design override toggle is switched off (input fields are disabled), a MaxDiff exercise’s design is auto-generated based on the number of list items included in the exercise.  

Max Diff Design Settings


Even in the disabled state, however, the fields in this section communicate valuable information about the exercise design that will be used during data collection (fielding). At a glance, you can see how many items per task/screen, how many total tasks, and the number of times each item will be shown to every respondent. 

How does the designer work?

Behind the scenes, the Discover exercise designer selects items to show across multiple tasks according to the following goals:

  1. Each item should appear an equal number of times.
  2. Each item should appear with each other an equal number of times.
  3. Each item should appear in each position (top, middle, bottom) of MaxDiff questions an equal number of times.

Depending on your list of items and the number of tasks to show, it may not be possible to achieve perfection on all three goals, but MaxDiff exercises that are almost but not quite perfect are still very efficient, and you will obtain excellent results in practice.

For more information about Discover-MaxDiff designs, please see this white paper: MaxDiff in Discover vs. Lighthouse Studio.

Customizing the design

If the default exercise designer makes design recommendations that you disagree with, or you simply want to have control over the design parameters, then use the Override toggle to enable the design settings input fields.  

Max Diff Design Override 

Switch the toggle back to the off position and the settings will revert to the default recommendation.  

Notice that the Number of items per task input and the Number of tasks input can be adjusted independently of one another and that any change in either setting (or to the total number of list items in the exercise) affects the Number of times each item is shown per respondent output. 

Number of times each item is shown per respondent

For a typical MaxDiff study where a high degree of precision is desired at the individual respondent level, we have found that each respondent should ideally see each list item 3 or more times throughout the MaxDiff exercise.

MaxDiff – Items Per Respondent

For studies with modest to small sample sizes (e.g., N of 50 to 400) and when you wish to drill down by segment to compare preferences across respondent groups, it is valuable to have a relatively high degree of precision in the individual-level MaxDiff scores by showing each item 3 or more times per respondent.

In other studies with relatively large sample sizes (e.g., N of 600 or more) and less need to drill down by segments to analyze differences across respondent groups, you may opt for a design that shows each item around one to two times per respondent.

There are three variables that affect the exercise design, and subsequently the number of times each item is shown per respondent:

  1. Total number of list items
  2. Number of items per task
  3. Number of tasks

Total number of list items

MaxDiff exercises are based on lists of items for the respondent to compare typically in terms of importance or preference; and the length of your list (total number of items) is a key factor in determining its design.

MaxDiff is a robust research method that can allow hundreds of list items to be evaluated. MaxDiff in Discover requires a minimum of 6 items to create a viable design.

Though you can use a longer list, we recommend keeping list lengths to about 30 items or less for most applications.  Exceeding 30 items can lead to longer surveys that increase respondent fatigue and reduce score precision. Exceptions could involve situations in which you have relatively large sample sizes, where you plan to show each item around one to two times per respondent, and when you do not need to drill down with a high degree of accuracy at the individual level or to compare differences among subgroups.

Number of items per task

The Number of items per task input allows you to change how many list items are shown to respondents on each set (or task) of the MaxDiff exercise. 

Max Diff – Items Per Task

For most situations, we recommend displaying three to five items at a time (per task) in MaxDiff exercises. Showing more than about five items at a time can lead to greater respondent fatigue and response error. 

Additionally, we recommend that you do not show more than half of the total number of items per set; this reduces the precision of your MaxDiff scores. For example, if you have just eight items in your MaxDiff study, you should not display more than four items per set. 

Number of tasks

The Number of tasks input allows you to determine how many total sets (or tasks) are shown to your respondents.  

Max Diff – Number of Tasks

This setting is a bit more flexible than items per task, though we highly recommend that you keep it within a reasonable number. Excessive tasks often lead to respondent fatigue and response error. 


During MaxDiff exercise design configuration in Discover you may run into warnings or errors regarding the settings that you have chosen. See the following for explanations of these messages:

Showing each item fewer than 2 times per respondent usually leads to lower quality precision for individual-level score estimation.

There is a tradeoff between how many times each item is seen per respondent and the precision we obtain at the individual level for utility score estimation. Showing each item less than 2x per respondent leads to less precision at the individual level; but if you have relatively large sample size to compensate and if you don’t necessarily need high precision at the individual level, then you may decide to proceed.

Including more than half of the total MaxDiff items ([##] of [##]) per task lowers precision regarding respondents' middle-preference items.

We strongly recommend against showing more than half as many items per task as total items in the respondent’s MaxDiff list. If you do so, you will obtain relatively less information to distinguish the items of middling preference for the respondent.

Showing more than 7 items per task is not recommended.

The potential added information for considering more than 7 items at a time is probably counteracted by the increase in respondent error and fatigue. In general, we recommend showing 5 or fewer items per MaxDiff set.

Number of items per task must be 3 or more.

For it to make sense to ask respondents to mark the best and worst items in a set, we must show set sizes of at least 3 items.

Number of items per task must be [##] (the total number of items) or less.

You cannot display more items in a task than exist in the respondent’s MaxDiff list.

Number of MaxDiff tasks must be [##] (the total number of possible combinations) or less.

Rather than repeating a MaxDiff task (showing the same items) for the same respondent, the software prohibits this from occurring. If it isn’t possible to create any more unique sets of items, the software tells you.

Number of MaxDiff tasks must be 1 or more.

The software requires at least one MaxDiff task when inserting a MaxDiff exercise.

The MaxDiff design lacks connectivity with the current settings. Increase the Number of items per task and/or Number of MaxDiff tasks to resolve.

Connectivity means that within a respondent’s given set of MaxDiff tasks, each item is either directly or indirectly compared to all other items in the list. This is a desirable property when individual-level analysis is the default (Discover defaults to individual-level HB analysis). If you plan to use aggregate (pooled) approaches to item score estimation such as aggregate logit or latent class MNL, you might decide that it’s OK to sacrifice connectivity at the individual respondent level, because connectivity will be established when pooling across respondents.