Send a copy


The Send a Copy feature allows you to send a standalone copy of a survey to other Discover users. Key details to note about the Send a Copy feature are:

  1. Copies include all finalized data, such as respondent statuses marked as complete, expired, over quota, or disqualified.
  2. Copies cannot be retracted once shared.
  3. Editing a copy will not affect the original survey.

The Send a copy feature lets you share a standalone copy of your survey with other Discover users. Key details to keep in mind:

  1. Copies include all finalized data, such as respondent statuses marked as complete, expired, over quota, or disqualified.
  2. Once shared, copies cannot be retracted.
  3. Editing a copy will not affect the original survey.

Sending survey copies

You can access the Send a copy feature from the collaboration/share dialog. This can be found in two places:

  1. The My surveys page: Hover over a survey, click the options menu icon (Kebab - More Menu) on the far right, and select Collaborate.
    Share Projects from The My Surveys Page
  2. In the top menu bar inside of a survey project. Click the collaborate/share button (Collaborate – Share – Users).
    Collaborate/Share Button in the authoring interface of Discover

In the Send a copy tab, if it's your first time using it, you'll need to generate a share link by clicking the Generate send-a-copy link button.

Generate Send A Copy Link

Once the link is generated, click Copy Link to copy it to your clipboard. You can now share this link with others to send them a copy of the survey.

Copy Send A Copy Link

When someone clicks the link, they will be prompted to log in to their Discover account (or create an account if they don't have one). A copy of the survey will be added to their account, and it will appear on their My Surveys page.

Data security

When sharing copies of surveys, keep in mind that you are also sharing the survey's data. Be mindful of who you share this information with to protect respondent privacy.

For added security, you can delete the Send a copy link after you’ve finished sharing. To do this, click the trash can icon next to the Copy link button. Once the link is deleted, anyone who attempts to access it will no longer be able to view the survey.

Delete Share-a-copy Link

Please note that once others have their own standalone copy of the survey and its data, they can share it with others at their discretion.

Licensing restrictions

When sending a copy of a survey to other users, it’s important to remember that each user will be subject to the limitations of their own license. Since copies of surveys are technically owned by the recipients, they can only view and analyze the number of completed records allowed by their specific license.

For example, if you are on the Free plan and send a survey copy to a user with a Basic Suite or Advanced Suite license, they will be able to view and analyze an unlimited number of records, while you, on the Free plan, will only be able to view and analyze up to 50 completed records (even if more records have been collected).

If you would like access to all available data records, consider upgrading your license. Contact us at for more information.