TURF optimization


TURF, which stands for "Total Unduplicated Reach and Frequency," is an optimization method that identifies a subset (portfolio) of items that maximize the number of respondents reached.

Originally developed for broader survey research, TURF can also be used in MaxDiff studies. Rather than simply selecting the most preferred items on average, TURF identifies combinations that most effectively motivate, satisfy, or appeal to the largest number of respondents.

For example, when deciding which ice cream flavors to stock in a store, TURF can help maximize customer appeal given limited shelf space. Selecting only the most preferred flavors may overlook niche options that appeal to distinct segments, decreasing overall reach.

Suppose most respondents enjoy vanilla, chocolate, and cookie dough. While offering just these flavors may appear optimal, if many respondents are satisfied with any one of these options, substituting one or even two with a less common flavor like strawberry or mint chocolate chip could expand reach and boost sales.

This approach helps businesses to identify market preferences that improve both reach and profitability.

Portfolio settings


Portfolios are collections of items optimized by TURF to maximize reach.

Image of the Portfolios input in the user interface.

Since several sets of items can achieve similar near-optimal reach, you can specify how many top-performing portfolios to display in the report. By default, this is set to 20.

Items per portfolio

This setting determines the number of items included in each portfolio.

Highlighting the Items per portfolio setting in the user interface

Items configuration

The Items configuration menu allows you to control which items are included or excluded in the TURF analysis using two options.

Highlighting the Items Configuration Setting in the user interface.

Consider in analysis

Specifies which items are included in the TURF analysis (the search space).

Consider in analysis

Force in all portfolios

Ensures that specified items are included in every portfolio. Use this when you know that certain items must always appear in the selected sets.

Force in All Portfolios Column

Analysis settings

Reach method

The MaxDiff Analyzer offers three options for evaluating "reach" in TURF: Weighted by probability, First choice, and Threshold.

Highlighting the Reach method Setting in the user interface

Weighted by probability

This method (standard MaxDiff scores) assumes that reach is not an all-or-nothing outcome; respondents can be reached to varying degrees. A logit equation calculates the probability that a respondent is reached.

First choice

In this method, a respondent is considered "reached" if their top-ranked item (the item with the highest utility score) is included in the portfolio.

This method also calculates frequency, which counts how often the top item appears in the portfolio across respondents. Frequency differs from reach only in rare cases where a respondent has two items tied for their top choice.

When comparing portfolios with the same reach, preference should generally be given to the portfolio with the higher frequency (frequency applies only to First choice and Threshold methods).

For instance, if there are 100 respondents and each respondent's top item appears twice in the portfolio, the reach would be 100%, and the frequency would be 200. 

If items are excluded from the analysis, First choice considers only the highest-rated item among those included. 


In this method, a respondent is considered "reached" if the portfolio includes an item with a probability of choice greater than the threshold you specify.

For instance, if your MaxDiff shows four items per task, each item would on average have a 25% chance of being chosen. Establishing a reach threshold of 80% means a respondent is considered reached if the portfolio includes an item with an 80% chance of selection (compared to three other average items).

Enter 80 to signify 80% (not 0.80).

Frequency in this method represents the count of items exceeding the threshold within the portfolio, counted across respondents.


Different reach methods — Weighted by probability, First choice, and Threshold — often result in varying optimal portfolio outcomes.

For MaxDiff data, we typically recommend the Weighted by probability approach because it effectively utilizes information from potentially sparse data. It is also more stable—minor changes, such as adding a few respondents, are less likely to disrupt the rank order of optimal portfolios compared to the First choice and Threshold methods.

The First choice approach makes less efficient use of detailed preference data and is more sensitive to small data changes, which can significantly change the rank order of outcomes.

The Threshold approach falls between First choice and Weighted by probability in terms of efficiency, but determining the ideal threshold value for MaxDiff data can be challenging.

Since many TURF solutions tend to deliver similar reach levels, this overlap can be viewed as an opportunity. Additional criteria, such as expert judgment, can help determine the most suitable portfolio to address the business problem. For instance, if a grocer observes that a frequently appearing flavor spoils quickly, they might prefer an alternative portfolio with a comparable reach that mitigates this risk.