The Survey text & messages settings area allows you to customize default survey messages (like error page messages and missing response messages for questions) that may be displayed to respondents under various conditions.
The Survey text & messages settings area allows you to customize default survey messages (like error page messages and missing response messages for questions) that may be displayed to respondents under various conditions.
The messages page is laid out on a two-column table.
To edit these messages:
Some messages support dynamic scripts that adjust automatically based on the settings configured in the survey builder.
For example, in a multi-select (checkbox) question, you can set minimum and maximum values to require respondents to select a specific number of options. By using the {{MinRange()}} and/or {{MaxRange()}} scripting variables in "Out of Range" messages, you can reference these range settings and display the corresponding values directly in your message.
These functions can be inserted into the message text field as shown below.
For a list of all available functions, view the Introduction to predefined functions article.
The table below shows you all the default messages and where each message is applied.
System / Page error messages | Text / Message |
Default error page header | An Error Has Occurred |
Default error page message | There was an error that has prevented you from completing this survey. Please contact your survey administrator for help. You can close this tab. |
Save error message | An error has occurred while saving. Please try again. |
Previously completed survey error page message | You have already completed this survey and multiple responses are not permitted. If you think an error has been made, please contact the survey administrator. |
Survey closed message | This survey is closed. |
Question / Exercise errors | Text / Message |
Page error | An error has occurred on this page. Please fix this error and try again. |
Missing response: default | A response is required. |
Out of range: selections | Please select between {{ RangeMin() }} and {{ RangeMax() }} items. |
Out of range: exact selections | Please only select {{ RangeMax() }} item(s). |
Out of range: characters | Please enter between {{ RangeMin() }} and {{ RangeMax() }} characters. |
Out of range: exact characters | Please enter {{ RangeMax }} character(s). |
Out of range: numeric | Please enter a number between {{ RangeMin() }} and {{ RangeMax() }}. |
Out of range: decimal places | The value cannot have more than {{ DecimalLimit() }} decimal places. |
Missing response: MaxDiff response required | A response is required. Please select a “{{ GetMDBestLabel() }}” and “{{ GetMDWorstLabel() }}”. |
Missing response: MaxDiff "Best" value | Please select a “{{ GetMDBestLabel() }}” item. |
Missing response: MaxDiff "Worst" value | Please select a “{{ GetMDWorstLabel() }}” item. |
MaxDiff item chosen as both "Best" and "Worst" | An item cannot be selected as both “{{ GetMDBestLabel() }}” and “{{ GetMDWorstLabel() }}”. |
Missing response: MaxDiff anchor missing response(s) | Every item must have a response. |
Invalid response: constant sum total | The total sum must equal {{ ConstantSumTotal() }}. |
Invalid response: decimals not allowed | The value must be a whole number. |
Invalid response: numeric value required | The value must be a number. |