General interviewing results


General interviewing analysis provides an overview of responses to basic survey questions. Navigate between questions using the pane on the left side of the screen.

Analysis is open to a single select chart.

To download data for a specific question, click the Download button (Download Icon) in the top-right corner of the question result. You can export all question results as an Excel spreadsheet. If a result includes a chart, it can also be downloaded as a PNG file.

For a question, options for downloading a summary or a chart may be available.

To download results from all questions, select a download option in the options menu in the left navigation panel.

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Multiple choice

Results for single-select and multi-select questions will be slightly different from each other.


The results for this question are divided into four areas:

  1. The number of people that answered the question.
  2. A bar chart reporting selection percentages. Percentages are calculated by dividing the number of times each item was chosen by the total number of respondents who answered the question. Since respondents can only select one item, the percentages add up to 100%. For example, a percentage might be interpreted as: “40% of respondents who answered this question fall into the 50-64 age group.”
  3. Count – the total number of times each item was selected.
  4. Aggregate functions:
    • Min – the minimum response value chosen.
    • Max – the maximum response value chosen.
    • Mean – the average of values chosen.
    • Total count – the total number of people that answered the question.
A Single Select Question Report with the four pieces above labeled.


The results for this question are divided into four areas:

  1. The number of respondents that answered the question (those that selected at least one option).
  2. A bar chart displays selection percentages for multi-select question results. Similar to single-select questions, percentages are calculated by dividing the number of times each item was chosen by the total number of respondents who answered the question. However, since respondents can select multiple (or even all) items, each item can independently total up to 100%, while the combined total of all items will typically exceed 100%.

    For example, an item percentage might be interpreted as: “50% of respondents who answered this question say they use their laptop at work.”
  3. Count – the total number of times each item was selected. In the example, the ten respondents who answered this question selected this response option 18 times.
  4. Aggregate functions:
    • Min – the minimum response value chosen.
    • Max – the maximum response value chosen.
    • Total count – the total number of respondents that answered the question.
A Multi Select Question Report with the four sections above labeled.


Grid questions show responses in two ways: as a heat map of all rows and columns together and then below that, a breakdown of each row.

Heat map

Let’s use a single-select grid question as an example, where respondents are asked to rate three music genres on a scale of 1 to 5.

The heat map for this question result has four components:

  1. Total responses: The number of people who answered the question. For multi-select grids, this includes respondents who selected at least one option in the row.
  2. Column labels: The labels for each scale point. In this example, the columns represent a scale from 1 to 5.
  3. Rows and cells: Each row corresponds to a response option (e.g., music genres), and each row is made up of cells representing the scale points.

    Each cell displays a percentage and a count, indicating how often respondents selected that scale point for the corresponding response option. For example, the first cell in the "Alternative" row might read:

    20% of respondents who answered this question, or 2 people, rated the Alternative genre as a 1.
  4. Count: This column shows the total number of respondents who answered each row of the grid question. If the question is required, the count will be the same for every row.
The four Grid Question Report sections above are labeled.

Individual row reports

Below the heat map, a detailed report is displayed for each row (response option) in the grid question. These results are presented similarly to a multiple-choice question, as a grid is essentially a list of questions that share the same scale.

The layout of the results differs slightly depending on whether a single-select or multi-select grid was used. In the example below:

  • 1 represents a row from the grid (e.g., Alternative music).
  • 2 corresponds to the rating scale used in the grid (e.g., a scale from 1 to 5).

This format allows for a clearer view of how respondents rated each individual response option within the grid.

The two Grid Row Report sections above are labeled.

For more information on how the data is displayed, view the section on multiple choice above.


The results for this question type are divided into two areas:

  1. The number of people that answered the question.
  2. A list of all the responses received.
A list of open end responses.

Text entry

If any of your questions include a Text entry item (“Other, please specify”) then the responses are displayed in two sections:

  1. A bar in the question chart indicating how many people selected the option that allowed for text entry.
  2. A table below the chart with the actual responses written by respondents.
The two sections of the text entry question results described above are labeled.

Constant sum


Constant sum results are displayed in two formats: a chart that shows the averages for each response option and a table with the detailed results for each list item.

When viewing the question result, there are 3 areas:

  1. Total responses: The number of respondents who answered the question (those who filled in at least one field).
  2. Bar chart: This chart displays the allocation averages (mean results) for each response option. The scale for these charts is dynamic, with the values depending on the maximum allowable value for that specific question.
  3. Response distribution table: This table shows the distribution of responses for each list item.
The three sections of a Constant Sum Report are labeled.


Numeric question results are divided into three sections:

  1. Total responses: The number of respondents who answered the question.
  2. Response list: A list of all the responses received.
  3. Aggregate functions:
    • Min: The minimum response value selected.
    • Max: The maximum response value selected.
    • Total count: The total number of respondents who answered the question.
Example Report for the Numeric Question