CBC prohibitions


Prohibitions allow you to prevent levels of different attributes from appearing together within the same product concept. For example, not allowing a given brand to appear at a certain price. Their primary use is for preventing obviously impossible combinations from being shown to respondents.

We recommend that you use prohibitions sparingly. Best practice is to compose your attribute and level lists so that each attribute level can freely combine with each other (from different attributes). This is because prohibitions typically lead to lower precision of your preference scores.

Even though it may seem counter-intuitive, it is usually better to show respondents rare, but not utterly impossible, combinations because it leads to more precise estimation of preference scores for each attribute level in your study. Of course, during analysis with the market simulator, you can avoid specifying products with these unrealistic combinations.

If you try to specify too many prohibitions, Discover will warn you and not allow you to proceed. Specifying prohibitions also may lead to an increased number of recommended CBC tasks.

Creating a prohibition

  1. Navigate to the Prohibitions tab.
  2. Click the + Prohibition button.
    Cbc Prohibitions
  3. Use the dropdowns to select each attribute and level that should not appear together.
    Cbc Prohibition

Preventing one attribute level from appearing with another is called a two-way prohibition. Discover allows you to create up to N-way prohibitions, where N is the total of attributes in the survey. For example, prohibiting brand-x, color-2, and price-3 involves a 3-way prohibition involving levels from three attributes. Continue to add additional attributes and levels involved in the current prohibition by clicking the plus button (Plus. Add button.) next to a given prohibition.

Cbc Prohibition – Add Condition


The specified prohibitions eliminate too many level combinations and may result in poor utility estimation. Please reduce the number of prohibitions.

If 40% of the possible level combinations have been removed, this will likely lead to poor utility scores. Reduce the number of prohibitions or add additional attributes or levels if it will not increase the number of tasks to more than a respondent can handle.

The pattern of prohibitions between “attribute” and “attribute” will likely result in poor utility estimation. Please change the prohibitions between these two attributes.

When more than 2/3 of the combinations between two attributes are removed, it is likely to lead to poor utility scores. Reduce the number of prohibitions between the two attributes.

Please add an additional attribute to your survey to complete this prohibition.

You must have two attributes in your survey to field the CBC exercise or create a prohibition. Add an additional attribute and try again.

No attribute has been selected.

Select an attribute from the dropdown to correct this error.

No level has been selected.

Select a level from the dropdown to correct this error.

Prohibitions 1 and 2 are duplicates.

Duplicate prohibitions do not cause any issues with your exercise. This warning will help you to delete one of the copies or adjust one if you made an incorrect selection.