MaxDiff Functions

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MaxDiffRankAttLabel (ExerciseName, Rank#)

Returns the list item label for the item with the rank specified. For example a rank of 1 would return the list item label with the highest MaxDiff logit score.

MaxDiffRankAttValue (ExerciseName, Rank#)

Returns the list item value for the item with the rank specified. For example a rank of 1 would return the list item value with the highest MaxDiff logit score.

MaxDiffRLH (ExerciseName)

Returns the RLH (Root Likelihood) fit statistic for the logit estimation.

MaxDiffRSQ (ExerciseName)

Returns the RSQ (Pseudo R-Squared) fit statistic for the logit estimation.

MaxDiffScore (ExerciseName, Item#)

Returns the MaxDiff logit score for the item number of the list associated with the exercise name.

MaxDiffCurrentSet ()

Returns the item number for the ith MaxDiff set (question) in the exercise.  For the first question it will return a 1, the second one a 2, etc.  Must be used inside of the MaxDiff question.

MaxDiffTotalSets ()

Returns the total number of MaxDiff sets (questions) in the current exercise.  Must be used inside of a MaxDiff question.


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