Quota Control Functions

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GetValue (QuestionName)

Returns the quota group value to which the respondent has been assigned for the quota question referred to by QuestionName.  
An empty string (nothing) is returned if unassigned. A "-1" is returned if the respondent did not qualify due to logic or they qualified for a group that already had its limit met.  A "-2" is returned if all of the quota group limits for the quota were met and the respondent could not get in.  A "-3" is returned if the respondent qualified for a quota group but then left the survey.  While they were gone all of the quota group limits were met.

QuotaGroupName (QuestionName)

Returns the label associated with the quota group assigned to the respondent; returns empty string (nothing) if unassigned.

IsQuotaGroupOpen (QuestionName, QuotaGroupValue)

Returns 1 (true) if the group is open, 0 (false) if the group is closed.

QuotaGroupRemaining (QuestionName, QuotaGroupValue)

Returns the number of respondents needed to fill the quota group.  Returns 0 if the quota group is full.

QuotaGroupLimit (QuestionName, QuotaGroupValue)

Returns the quota group limit.

QuotaGroupCompletes (QuestionName, QuotaGroupValue)

Returns number of completed (finished) respondents in the quota group.

AreAllQuotasClosed ()

Returns 1 (true) if all groups have been closed for all quotas. Otherwise returns 0 (false).

AreAllQuotaGroupsClosed (QuestionName)

Returns 1 (true) if all groups have been closed for the specified quota. Otherwise returns 0 (false).

AreAnyQuotasClosed ()

Returns 1 (true) if all groups have been closed in any quota. Otherwise returns 0 (false).


Page link: https://www.sawtoothsoftware.com/help/discover/manual/index.html?quota_control_functions.html